Our Corporate Social Responsibility

Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Strength in NumbersDigi Media Infotech strongly believes in giving back to the community. As a budding up corporate entity, we take our corporate, social and environmental responsibility very seriously and constantly review our policies and strive to make improvements where we can.

Our corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs are designed to provide long-term benefits to our environment, local communities, employees, partners, and customers that we work in around our world.

We believe in doing something constructive and meaningful. We as a business take immense satisfaction by providing help and support to the needy and poor locally.

We extend our support in these areas:

o Education of Poor
o Food and Clothing For the Poor
o Health & Medical Care
o Child Welfare
o Environment Conservation
o Women Empowerment

We started these initiatives on 8th Nov. 2012 and we are proud that we are going on the right course. We were able to lend support and helping hand to many within this short span of time. The collective spirit and generous team efforts contributed to the success of the all our campaigns.

On 7th May 2014, we also started keeping a percentage of all the Plans we sell. A portion of this amount will be used for education, food and clothing of poor and for better facilities to students of rural area. This initiative will be directly monitored by our management and will not have any influence of any outside agencies. We also request support from our employees, partners, customers, and individuals in communities for the success of this initiative.

Our Community Initiatives:

1. Organized an AIDS Awareness Campaign for our employees on 1st December, 2012 (World AIDS Day)
2. Initiated Tree Plantation Drive on 5th June 2013 ‘World Environmental Day’ as a CSR activity. Under this program Digi Media Infotech planted 30 trees and educated employees about the importance of environmental protection.
3. Organized sanitation and cleanliness drive in Udaipur city on 8th October 2013.
4. Blood Donation drive organized in collaboration with Blooddonator.com on 16th December 2013, with the participation of our 12 employees.
5. Organized fundraising drive for Jaamu flood victims on 12th September 2014. All donations for the campaign came from our staff and management. The collective spirit and generous team effort contributed to the massive success of the campaign.

We are passionate about creating a place to work which is supportive, empowering, friendly, fun and which rewards excellence and loyalty.